Translating Knowledge Into Action
Welcome and Introductions

The Dengue Academy Masterclass was an expert-led intensive education course on dengue science and dengue prevention concepts, which has been conducted on the 12th January 2023 virtually.
This non-promotional educational event was organized and funded by Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, including the payment of external speakers as consultants. This event was intended for a professional medical and scientific audience outside of the US and UK and not for members of the general public.
Welcome and Introductions
Dengue: a complex infection and disease
Module 1
Epidemiological update on dengue
Module 2
Facilitated Q&A with Prof. Marco Safadi and Prof. Sophie Yacoub
Question and answer session
3-pronged approach for integrated dengue prevention and control: environment, mosquitos, humans
Module 4
Relevance of dengue in Europe and in travellers
Module 5
Facilitated Q&A with Prof. Usa Thisyakorn and Prof. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit
Question and answer session
Dengue prevention today and tomorrow
Module 6
Dengue immunization: vaccine development overview
Module 7